Tuesday, December 15, 2009

dandy decorations

My room is all decked out for the holiday season. I thought I'd better take some photos before I have to take everything down for Christmas Break. Then I realized I never did post any pictures of my dorm room...so here they are!

I have my own room, so even if it looks really cramped, it's much roomier than a double. I prefer to call it cozy! And cozy it is...they really cranked up the heat this past week with our snow days :) And there is PINK everywhere!!

Since there are two desks I use one for homework and the other for crafty business! I love the built-in shelves above the counter space! Mine are full of stuff! I like to be really organized, so all those compartments come in handy.

There really isn't an inch of my room that doesn't have stuff in it. You don't get to peak into my closets...they are stuffed, and kinda messy! Usually my brown chest serves as a coffee table in the center of my room, but right now its a Christmas tree stand so people can see my tree from outside.

And that's the grand tour... Thanks for stopping by!

finally finals

Finals week is finally here! I have one under my belt already and am gearing up for two more today. I won't be done this week until Thursday, then I can pack up and go home for a much needed break.
Looking around my room, I have so much I need to take back with me...sewing machine, scrapbooking, plants! And my room is such a mess! That's going to be this afternoon's project: maintaining order in my dorm room :)
I need to take a picture of my room all decorated for Christmas before I have to take everything down :(
Wish me luck on all these tests...my brain is going to be fried!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

new look

The blog's got a new look for Christmas featuring my new favorite color scheme: red and aqua! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

snow day!!

It's been snowing for days here! So much that UNL actually canceled school today! A snow day in college, during dead week...amazing! This gives me time to get some extra studying done, and of course create! I wish the roads weren't so dangerous, because I need a few supplies to complete a project :( I guess it will have to wait! Enjoy the rest of your day...I think the sledding hill is calling my name!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


*Jack Frost has finally arrived and made everything white with winter! If it's going to be this cold outside there might as well be some snow on the ground, right? It's been coming down all day nice and easy. I love watching it! It wasn't windy at all, so Jake and I were out in it for a bit. We had fun trying to catch the big flakes on our tongues! I can't wait to get all bundled up and go sledding!*

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

crunch time

Only three weeks of this semester left and lots of things left to accomplish! I have lots of studying to do...but I would rather be crafty! It's gonna be hard to balance the two (especially since I only have two Christmas presents done!)
My first final is tonight :) Floral Design...and then I'm done with the class! No more fresh flowers for my dorm room :(
On a happier note, I have begun my first sweater!! It even has cables. This might be interesting...haha.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

knitting news

What have I been knitting up recently? Over Thanksgiving break I started a new project: Indian Summer. It's a great hat pattern that I found on the web community Ravelry. Lots of neat patterns, and a great way to showcase your projects!
The hat is almost complete...all that's left is some finishing touches! It will make the perfect handmade gift!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

gobble gobble

Happy Thanksgiving! Break has begun...and it's about time! The last time I was home was Minden's Homecoming in October. I'm ready to do some major eating, accomplish some fun projects, and have some quality family time!

Monday, November 9, 2009

fancy flowers

I love Heather Bailey's blog and have been eyeing this project for quite some time now! It looked like a great way to use some of those fabric scraps in that ever-growing stash of mine. To make your own check out the pattern here. The flowers are so fun...you can do almost anything with them. I will definitly be making more of these!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

cozy cowl neck

The weather here in Nebraska had been so cold for a while there...so I started knitting a warm cowl neck scarf to wear with my winter coat. But of course not that I've finished it...the weather has warmed back up. (not that I'm complaining or anything!)

It was so easy to make. Using a chunky yarn and size 15 needles (10mm), I cast on about 30 stiches and continued to knit until I was happy with the length. I wanted the cowl neck to fit over my head without being too snug but at the same time keep my neck warm while walking to class. Then I simply stiched the two edges together. For a seamless look you could whip this up circular needles.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

harriet, welcome!

Remember that dress form I purchased not too long ago?!? Well we've gotten better aquainted through a few projects...and now she has a name. Harriet. I wanted something a little old fashioned, and it was a tough decision...but that's it...Harriet

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I took my PRAXIS PPST today! I didn't really realize how long the test would be... 3 hours, but it went as well as I could have hoped. I passed both the reading and mathematics sections. Now all I can do is wait a few weeks to see how I did on my essay! Wish me Luck!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

freaky flowers

Last night in hort lab we made Halloween foam designs. I love the sparkly black tree fern...it adds that special touch! The green, orange and purple really makes a great holiday color scheme. Another fun element is the wire spiral and "boo". The was the first foam design we have made in class. This will dress up my dorm room for Halloween :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

fall break

Fall break will be here tomorrow! Because I work at the front desk and it's my weekend to work I'll be stuck in the dorm :( But Sarah will be here too! And we have lots of plans...I'm sure you'll here more about those later.

Monday, October 12, 2009

"oh! i can make that!"

My mom came to town for the weekend to accompany me to my initiation into Phi Upsilon Omicron (an academic and service honorary for the family and consumer sciences). While here we did what any mother daughter duo would do...hit the shopping mall!

We browsed stores and sifted through racks of clothes...every once in a while saying to ourselves "oh! I can make that!" Both a blessing and a curse! It's wonderful to be able to make something and exactly the way you want it, but other times it really would just be easier to buy it off the rack! But alas we think to ourselves..."why would I spend that much on that...when I could just make it myself?"

As you can guess...neither of us bought anything that afternoon. The next day what did we do but head to exactly the place where "oh! I can make that!" becomes a reality: the fabric store! :) (and when I say the fabric store, I mean two or three fabric stores) My mom ended up buying some fabric for an already planned project. My keen eyes immediately noticed the sale signs of the patterns. Flipping through the book I found and bought up eight new patterns to add to my to do list!

I also bought some yarn for a cowl neck scarf to quickly knit up...(also on a "oh! I can make that!" whim) We saw a similar scarf like this at the mall for $40! I purchased my yarn for $8 and in no time will have it knit up. With a savings of $32, I call that "oh! I can make that!" at its finest!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

busy as a bee

Oh man! School has been keeping me very busy lately. I haven't really had a chance to be my crafty self. Sadly, I haven't made any progress on my dress or finished my flower scarf. I have, however, started to make a cowboy themed quilt for my boyfriend Jake and knit a warm hat for his mom.

My goal to hand-make all my gifts this year is still in the back of my mind...I know I should be starting soon! I'll try post my goings-on more often!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

dress form

My timing was perfect! I have been eyeing a dress form for quite some time now. I found one on sale this week and new I had to have it...so I ordered it. To my surprise the package was waiting for me in the dorm office when I returned from class yesterday! Of course I took it out of the box and set it up in my room...but I had to work downstairs at the desk last night, but I test it out this weekend! I think she might need a name...! hehe!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

corsage and boutonniere

I just returned from my floral design lab and have some projects to show you! Tonight we made basic corsages and boutonnieres...exciting!

The first one I made using one large orange and two small yellow button pom-pom chrysanthemums. Also incorporated were seeded eucalyptus and tree fern.
I had enough time to make a second using two white novelty, two green and one lavender button pom-pom chrysanthemums as well as saphora and old fashioned misty blue filler. The foliage in the back is eucalyptus and leather leaf.

I didn't realize how much work actually goes into these! Every element in the corsage/boutonniere must first be fixed to its own wire before being put in the bunch...and there are several ways to attached to wire to the elements! For finishing touches we put our bow making skills to good use and learned to make curly q's! How cute! This will be a useful skill to master...they'll make great gifts :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

HORT 261

The class I am most excited about this semester is HORT 261: Floral Design! I went to class on Monday and lab last night and was very pleased with the overview of the course. I'm going to learn a lot of interesting things...Last night in lab we learned about some of the basic tools and fabricated bows out of different ribbons. So cool!
I will be looking forward to this class every week...and once we get to some bigger projects I'll share some pictures with you :)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

back to school

Classes start tomorrow, and I'm frantically getting things ready for the week ahead of me...looks like its going to be a long one!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

granny squares

I am currently working on a cute granny square scarf in green I Love This Cotton! yarn. The Red Heart free project sheet is a very cute flower granny square...and when joined can make either a hat or scarf. The squares are very fun and easy to make. I'm even considering making an afghan from this pattern! I'll post a picture after I make some more progress :)

where are you?

A fun way many of the girls let each other know where they're at is by posting a fun little poster on their door. For my own, I created my title with digital scrapbook elements on Publisher. Then I made a list of places I will spend a lot of time at during the school year. My list includes: here, out & about, class, work, church, and the rec. I arranged them nicely on a piece of paper and placed small strips of magnetic tape next to them. When I go out or arrive back at my room, I move my button marker. Here it is...

the gift of giving

I absolutely love gift giving! But because I am a college student, I don't have a lot of extra cash to spend on myself, let alone those special gifts for others.
For this upcoming holiday season my goal is to make all my gifts. This is very ambitious of me...as I will have at least 8 large projects to pick and complete and several smaller ones. I still have plenty of time to get crafty...but the holidays will be here before we know it! Better get crackin'!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

the beginning

My sophomore year at UNL is about to begin. All of my belongings have been moved into the dorm and I am getting ready for the new year. My room is beginning to get that homey feeling. Once I get everything exactly where I want it, I will post a few pictures :)
I don't have to work tomorrow...so I think I'll work on some of my pending projects! Watch for a fun post!

Monday, August 10, 2009

packin' up

Hey there!
I've turned the whole house around getting packed up and ready to head back to school. I'm studying Family and Consumer Science at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln which fits my personality perfectly. Hopefully, as this blog continues, you'll begin to understand what I mean!
The boxes and packing tape are beckoning me...gotta run!