Wednesday, October 28, 2009

freaky flowers

Last night in hort lab we made Halloween foam designs. I love the sparkly black tree adds that special touch! The green, orange and purple really makes a great holiday color scheme. Another fun element is the wire spiral and "boo". The was the first foam design we have made in class. This will dress up my dorm room for Halloween :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

fall break

Fall break will be here tomorrow! Because I work at the front desk and it's my weekend to work I'll be stuck in the dorm :( But Sarah will be here too! And we have lots of plans...I'm sure you'll here more about those later.

Monday, October 12, 2009

"oh! i can make that!"

My mom came to town for the weekend to accompany me to my initiation into Phi Upsilon Omicron (an academic and service honorary for the family and consumer sciences). While here we did what any mother daughter duo would do...hit the shopping mall!

We browsed stores and sifted through racks of clothes...every once in a while saying to ourselves "oh! I can make that!" Both a blessing and a curse! It's wonderful to be able to make something and exactly the way you want it, but other times it really would just be easier to buy it off the rack! But alas we think to ourselves..."why would I spend that much on that...when I could just make it myself?"

As you can guess...neither of us bought anything that afternoon. The next day what did we do but head to exactly the place where "oh! I can make that!" becomes a reality: the fabric store! :) (and when I say the fabric store, I mean two or three fabric stores) My mom ended up buying some fabric for an already planned project. My keen eyes immediately noticed the sale signs of the patterns. Flipping through the book I found and bought up eight new patterns to add to my to do list!

I also bought some yarn for a cowl neck scarf to quickly knit up...(also on a "oh! I can make that!" whim) We saw a similar scarf like this at the mall for $40! I purchased my yarn for $8 and in no time will have it knit up. With a savings of $32, I call that "oh! I can make that!" at its finest!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

busy as a bee

Oh man! School has been keeping me very busy lately. I haven't really had a chance to be my crafty self. Sadly, I haven't made any progress on my dress or finished my flower scarf. I have, however, started to make a cowboy themed quilt for my boyfriend Jake and knit a warm hat for his mom.

My goal to hand-make all my gifts this year is still in the back of my mind...I know I should be starting soon! I'll try post my goings-on more often!