Tuesday, December 15, 2009

dandy decorations

My room is all decked out for the holiday season. I thought I'd better take some photos before I have to take everything down for Christmas Break. Then I realized I never did post any pictures of my dorm room...so here they are!

I have my own room, so even if it looks really cramped, it's much roomier than a double. I prefer to call it cozy! And cozy it is...they really cranked up the heat this past week with our snow days :) And there is PINK everywhere!!

Since there are two desks I use one for homework and the other for crafty business! I love the built-in shelves above the counter space! Mine are full of stuff! I like to be really organized, so all those compartments come in handy.

There really isn't an inch of my room that doesn't have stuff in it. You don't get to peak into my closets...they are stuffed, and kinda messy! Usually my brown chest serves as a coffee table in the center of my room, but right now its a Christmas tree stand so people can see my tree from outside.

And that's the grand tour... Thanks for stopping by!

finally finals

Finals week is finally here! I have one under my belt already and am gearing up for two more today. I won't be done this week until Thursday, then I can pack up and go home for a much needed break.
Looking around my room, I have so much I need to take back with me...sewing machine, scrapbooking, plants! And my room is such a mess! That's going to be this afternoon's project: maintaining order in my dorm room :)
I need to take a picture of my room all decorated for Christmas before I have to take everything down :(
Wish me luck on all these tests...my brain is going to be fried!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

new look

The blog's got a new look for Christmas featuring my new favorite color scheme: red and aqua! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

snow day!!

It's been snowing for days here! So much that UNL actually canceled school today! A snow day in college, during dead week...amazing! This gives me time to get some extra studying done, and of course create! I wish the roads weren't so dangerous, because I need a few supplies to complete a project :( I guess it will have to wait! Enjoy the rest of your day...I think the sledding hill is calling my name!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


*Jack Frost has finally arrived and made everything white with winter! If it's going to be this cold outside there might as well be some snow on the ground, right? It's been coming down all day nice and easy. I love watching it! It wasn't windy at all, so Jake and I were out in it for a bit. We had fun trying to catch the big flakes on our tongues! I can't wait to get all bundled up and go sledding!*

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

crunch time

Only three weeks of this semester left and lots of things left to accomplish! I have lots of studying to do...but I would rather be crafty! It's gonna be hard to balance the two (especially since I only have two Christmas presents done!)
My first final is tonight :) Floral Design...and then I'm done with the class! No more fresh flowers for my dorm room :(
On a happier note, I have begun my first sweater!! It even has cables. This might be interesting...haha.