Saturday, September 19, 2009

dress form

My timing was perfect! I have been eyeing a dress form for quite some time now. I found one on sale this week and new I had to have I ordered it. To my surprise the package was waiting for me in the dorm office when I returned from class yesterday! Of course I took it out of the box and set it up in my room...but I had to work downstairs at the desk last night, but I test it out this weekend! I think she might need a name...! hehe!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

corsage and boutonniere

I just returned from my floral design lab and have some projects to show you! Tonight we made basic corsages and boutonnieres...exciting!

The first one I made using one large orange and two small yellow button pom-pom chrysanthemums. Also incorporated were seeded eucalyptus and tree fern.
I had enough time to make a second using two white novelty, two green and one lavender button pom-pom chrysanthemums as well as saphora and old fashioned misty blue filler. The foliage in the back is eucalyptus and leather leaf.

I didn't realize how much work actually goes into these! Every element in the corsage/boutonniere must first be fixed to its own wire before being put in the bunch...and there are several ways to attached to wire to the elements! For finishing touches we put our bow making skills to good use and learned to make curly q's! How cute! This will be a useful skill to master...they'll make great gifts :)